Gutter vacuum cleaning jobs using the Tiger 650 gutter vacuum stainless steel vacuum unit.
The Tiger 650 gutter vacuum uses industrial strength components. Engineered to last.
Whether you want to just concentrate of gutter cleaning both domestic and commercial or try and secure contracts with schools and nursing homes, the 650 gutter vacuum will deliver the performanceneeded to accomplish the jobs in record time.
The gutter vacuum system is mounted on to either a truck or a trailer and has the dual operation system installed.
Every industrial area that is filled with factories is a gold mine just waiting to be tapped into with the 650 gutter vacuum system. With the EPA, the Environmental Protection Authority, breathing down the neck of all big and small businesses and factories, making sure they are not polluting the local creeks, rivers or drain systems, an industrial vacuum system like the Tiger 650 gutter vacuumand clean up all their mess both wet and dry.